Support A Soldier
A lot of our soldiers could use
some personal support, whether it's through a gift basket of extra goodies to snack on or other items. Many times they run out of shampoo,
deodorant or toothpaste.
Everybody in the army is family so they all share with each other. Wet wipes always come in handy in this Middle East because of humidity, dirt, and dust. So you see, we do more than just cakes and goodies.
Every week Ima bakes cakes and cookies for the soldiers and very often she needs help on those days. She has had many in the past who have volunteered their time to help out in the kitchen. She would love to have YOUR hands to help put some extra love into these baked goods. Contact Ima to find out when she will be in the kitchen next.
Kitchen Needs
Every time we go out to the bases or outposts we take approximately 35-40 cakes along with dozens of cookies and or muffins. Ima bakes out of her own kitchen at home and it takes time to prepare and cook so many cakes all at once. We use up a lot of flour, sugar, eggs, and margarine because "that's a whole lot of baking going on."
Frequently Asked Questions
+ Is the cake "Parve"?
In Jewish religious dietary laws you cannot mix meat and milk dishes, or eat one too soon after you've eaten the other. So that's where "Parve" comes in. When you cook "Parve" that means your recipe has no dairy products in it and you can eat a Parve dessert right after you have eaten that hamburger or if your on the army base, after your meal of schnitzel (deep fried crunchy chicken/turkey breast).So our cakes, cookies and muffins are all Parve.
+ Does everyone serve in the Israeli Army?
Yes. Young men go in for 3 years and our young woman for 2 years. There are many different ways that our soldiers can serve in the Israeli Defense Forces.